Remix Fest
In October I spent a fantastic weekend up in Edinburgh at Remix Festival with my friends in Noteworthy, attending workshops run by improv luminaries Pippa Evans, Katy Schutte, Will Naameh, Chris Grace and… bloody Josie Lawrence! Particularly special to meet Josie and improvise for her because I’ve got really lovely memories of watching Whose Line with my mom when I was quite small, and that was a big part of getting me into improv.
Noteworthy also got to perform a set on Saturday evening to a room full of great improvisers including aforementioned luminaries.
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Just getting to do our thing in front of these improv masters was a real treat, having them say nice things about our work in the Noteworthy performance slot and during the various workshops was icing on the cake. I’m trying my best to live by the “what someone else thinks of me is none of my business” philosophy but I must admit it’s been a massive boost to get laughs and encouragement from improvisers I respect so much. Seeing them perform was massively inspiring too.
All in all, a lot learnt and a lot of fun had. Thanks Remix!