Fatea Magazine review of Listen In

Thanks to Fatea Magazine for this great review of Listen In.

Born from a writing session with friend Matty Pinfield, with a title inspired by an NCO from his younger days in the Air Training Corps, Listen In is the deeply personal new single from Robert Lane. While originally written almost as a plea to listen to his music and creative endeavours (including his fascinating Podcast Robert Lane's Creative Careers), it soon took on a deeper meaning. The themes of insecurity and inadequacy are still very much there, but with most of the world seemingly failing to listen, this feels very much bigger than one mans' self-doubt. Lane's Only A Flight Away was one of the best releases of 2018, and Listen In is certainly on the same level, and raises the anticipation levels for a new album to breaking point. There is something quite irrepressible about the new track, and not only will you want to Listen In, you'll want to do so repeatedly.

Robert Lane